Let yourself be convinced by a unique urban visit!

The city becomes your game board and the rules adapt to your needs. City Play is a new kind of digital rally where each team must complete as many challenges as possible to win points and win the game.

Equipped with touch pads provided by us, you will be immersed in an urban race. Win the game, using your brains and creativity to answer cultural and creative questions. Thanks to a geolocation system, the challenges are activated as you progress along the route. Have a nice digital ride!


Test your general knowledge and creativity
Collaborate with colleagues in play and good humour
(Re)discover a city and its nooks and crannies


Le City Play à Lausanne s'est très bien passé. Les consignes étaient claires et tout le monde a bine apprécié. Mise à part que c'était génial, rien à redire!

Confiez votre événement à une équipe expérimentée

Notre équipe est là pour vous conseiller pour que vous passiez le meilleur des moments avec vos collègues.
Team conseil activité team-building

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